The clinical guidelines for Transcutaneous PRF with the Spring2 state that the mode of action of PRF has a beneficial effect on the redox status of cells that are subject to oxidative stress. PRF reduces the overproduction of free radicals by recombining radical pairs and normalizing the reactivity of hyporeactive immune cells, resulting in a long-lasting anti-inflammatory phase. The Spring2 has three sizes of disposable electrodes, and the choice of size depends on the area to be treated and/or the distance between the electrodes. Extremities such as knees, elbows, and shoulders are mostly treated, and the Spring2 is CE-certified for use on the extremities only. However, for research purposes, application of PRF on the trunk is allowed with approval from a Medical Ethical Committee. PRF has a specific effect on oxidative stress and could benefit many patients through systemic application, targeting intravascular immune cells.
Clinical guidelines: TRANSCUTANEOUS PRF WITH THE SPRING2 (pdf)
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